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We engaged Lasni at Seeds of Knowledge because our daughter required assistance with her maths. She lacked confidence in her learning and this created a massive road block of “I can’t”. Lasni is caring, engaging, positive and supportive. She creates an environment where getting things wrong is a good thing. That mistakes make you grow. She has helped our daughter immensely, and her attitude not only in Maths, but all aspects of her schooling has improved 100%. She now loves to learn! I cannot recommend Seeds of Knowledge enough. Lasni has changed our lives!

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Supercharging Struggling Learners

Key signs your child might be struggling with their learning:

  • frustration
  • lack of focus
  • low energy or a lack of effort
  • negative body language

Learning is challenging and hard. It is important for you and your child to recognise that as part of the learning process, accept it and push through it. This free guide will help you navigate these challenges and supercharge your struggling learner.

Don’t wait any longer. Download it today.

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