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Make Up Sessions Terms and Conditions

Make Up Sessions Terms and Conditions

Make up sessions are available for Seeds of Knowledge students subject to the following terms and conditions.

  • Each student has access to two make up sessions per term. These sessions are run to supplement sessions missed due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • A minimum 4 hours notice MUST be given if your child does not attend their scheduled session by emailing the Seeds of Knowledge
  • Make up sessions are offered at a set date and time. Parents will be notified of these times at the commencement of term.
  • Alternately, make-up sessions can be negotiated within other available weekly session times – subject to availability and grouping. These sessions are counted towards the maximum of two make-up sessions per term.
  • Bookings are essential for planning purposes and must be made 24 hours prior to the make-up session commencement time.
  • Make up sessions will only occur at the Fairfield centre for students from both Carina and Fairfield.
  • Make up sessions are mixed ability, and class sizes may be larger than standard tutoring sessions.
  • Sessions are not transferable to another term. Sessions are forfeited if the conditions are not met, or the make-up time is not suitable.

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  • lack of focus
  • low energy or a lack of effort
  • negative body language

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