5 Keys to Unlocking Your Child’s Confidence and Happiness
26 November 2021
As a parent, there’s nothing more important than seeing your child confident and happy. It gives them the strength to attack new challenges. Here are 5 keys to help unlock your child’s confidence and happiness.
1. Recognition
“Recognition is the greatest motivator” – Gerard C. Eakedale
Every child develops differently and as a parent we want to recognise where our child is at in their learning, how they learn and what are their strengths and challenges. We unlock your child’s confidence when we recognise their true learning potential. The first step in unlocking your child’s confidence and happiness is recognising that there is a learning problem to be solved. Once we have identified the learning problem then it is important to connect with your child’s classroom teacher and any other relevant professionals to explicitly recognise the exact area of challenge.
2. Acceptance
“Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference”
Acceptance is the power of unlocking your child’s confidence. When we accept our child has a learning challenge this is when we have the power to help them. Acceptance is not about failure it is about understanding our role in ensuring that our young person has the opportunity to reach their potential.
It is time to work out the next steps, move forward and embrace the learning challenge that your child is experiencing. This is the true power of acceptance. As a parent our wish is for our child is to love learning, feel successful and be confident in everything they do.
3. Action
“Action is the universal language of success, confidence and happiness” – Dr. Steve Maraboli
Knowing the action to take is often confusing and leaves us feeling overwhelmed which inhibits us from taking action. Having a clear picture of your child’s learning challenges will help you find the right support the first time. Support can come in many different ways and at times a blended approach is needed. The right starting point for your child might be learning about a Growth Mindset, it can also be about developing academic knowledge or preparing your child moving to the next year level or transitioning to a new learning environment. You know you have found the right support when your child is talking about being confident and enjoying learning.
4. Loving Learning
“You must always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think” – Winnie the Pooh
Learning is a natural part of life, even from a young age. Over our lifetimes we learn a lot of different skills including, walking, talking, eating, reading, writing, maths and many different life skills. People often do not see this as learning, they see it as a natural progression of life. However, these are all skills that we need to learn.
When learning becomes tricky children view learning as a chore. To unlock your child’s potential, happiness and success it is essential to model a love of learning. The goal is to foster curiosity and creativity around learning.
5. Practice
“Practice creates confidence… confidence empowers you” – Simone Biles
Practice becomes easier when you love learning. We don’t learn a skill the first time. Think of a young child when they are learning to walk, they give it a go, they work out what they need to do, they keep trying different ways to learn, then they practice continuously and persist until they have reached mastery of the skill. No skill is learnt without practice. Sometimes the practice can be short and other times longer. When the child embraces practising a skill they will become confident, happy and empowered learners.
Seeds of Knowledge aims to provide a practice environment where the child can become confident and happy. This can be through the Prep4Prep Learning Program, Academic Tutoring or the LearningtoLearn Program.
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Supercharging Struggling Learners
Key signs your child might be struggling with their learning:
- frustration
- lack of focus
- low energy or a lack of effort
- negative body language
Learning is challenging and hard. It is important for you and your child to recognise that as part of the learning process, accept it and push through it. This free guide will help you navigate these challenges and supercharge your struggling learner.
Don’t wait any longer. Download it today.
Tutoring and tutors for primary school children in English and Maths.
Christian Family Teaching Rooms
51 Cross Street, Fairfield Q 4103
Access the teaching rooms at the rear of the carpark off Sunbeam Street
The Salvation Army Teaching Space
202 Gallipoli Road Q Carina Heights